App Store Bugs That May Drop Your App Visibility and Conversion Rate

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The end of October was terrifying for the iOS app owners not only because of Hallowe’en but as well because of another bug in the App Store that wiped out over 20M ratings. Popular apps like Starbucks, Hulu, Nike, Google and other were affected.

Even though this bug was fixed, there are more left in the App Store, and some of them haven’t been addressed by the Apple team since May.
Here is a list of the iOS App Store bugs that we know to be still active and that may affect your app visibility and conversion rate.
1. Incorrect attribution of App Store Search impressions
The iOS 13 update brought with it a bug that causes a part of App Store Search impressions to be attributed as Browse. While Downloads are being attributed correctly, this bug results in a wrong conversion rate number for the Search channel. If you, say, have a 1,000 impressions and 1,200 installs, your Search channel conversion rate will be 120%, as another 1,000 impressions were attributed as Browse.

2. Incorrect App/Web Referrer traffic attribution.
Apple seems to be messing around with the Browse traffic as there is another issue with it: part of your paid traffic (app or web referrer) can be shown as App Store Browse.
3. Not all words in the subtitle are being indexed.
This was the bug we’ve talked about in May and that affected lots of users. If you have exactly 30 symbols in your app’s subtitle, the App Store algorithms do not index the last word. Which leads to losing your positions for the search terms. Apple seems to have fixed it but it keeps on appearing from time to time. Thus, play safe, update the app if you have 30 symbols in your subtitle or, better, cut it short to 29 symbols.

We will continue monitoring Apple’s App Store bugs and keep you updated. If we missed any bugs, do let us know, we’ll update the post.