Discover how to calculate and reduce app churn rate with this comprehensive guide offering strategie...
What is Voice of Customer and why is it useful for app developers? How is it connected to user feedb...
Your app might be attracting new users, but is your user retention rate up to scratch? Learn how to ...
Customer cohorts is the gold standard for tracking user engagement. It records the behaviour or enga...
What do you do when working with user feedback in app store reviews. How to be more productive with ...
Keeping user retention rate up can be a tough task. Yet, there are steps that you, as an app owner, ...
Try AppFollow for boosting your mobile growth
Customer retention marketing is essential at every stage of your app business. Our guest author Sam ...
Find out the key insights to improve your app's retention rate, in-app engagement, and learn how to ...
How to reduce response time while increasing loyalty, attitudes, installs, and revenues when respond...
Last time we did some magic with text and graphic optimization. Now we’ll rock your conversion worki...