Super Mario Run for Android

A week ago Nintendo launched Android version of its new highly anticipated mobile title — Super Mario Run. As we remember, iOS-version launch last December was a bit contradictory, so we decided to look how the game performed on Google Play.
Here is some first week stats:
- Way more ratings compared to iOS. Main reason for that — it’s much easier to rate an app on Google Play than on App Store;
- Surprisingly enough average rating for Android version is almost 4 stars while it was always around 3 stars for iOS.
- Android-users as well mostly complain on business model and $10 price point to unlock all levels.
- Google Play shows 10–50 mln downloads badge. PRIORI DATA is more specific with its estimation of 33 mln downloads worlwide.
We made a small video review of this week so you can easily share it :)
And here is the game web-site if you haven’t yet seen it:
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Originally posted on AppFollow Blog