AppFollow’s product launch story at Product Marketing Festival 2021

Anatoly Sharifulin - CEO and co-founder of AppFollow - will perform a speech at the global gathering of product marketing leaders Product Marketing Festival 2021.
June 17th at 4:30 PM CET Anatoly Sharifulin will make a speech on: “From Hackathon to $7m Investment: Fails and Insights” and talk on how a hackathon idea can lead to building a business and launching a company.
He will tell in detail about successful cases and poor decisions, and how they were solved. “It’s okay to fail, and if you haven't admitted it yet, you need to do that as soon as possible, preferably today. The faster we make a mistake, the faster we learn, and all you have to do is avoid repeating this mistake. It is possible to make another mistake, but the previous one should not be repeated”, - shares Anatoly Sharifulin.
On top of that, you will learn insights on how pivots affect the product and the company as a whole, why it is important to pay great attention to product pricing and packaging, and how advising helps business growth and development.
An expert in ASO and competitive application analysis, Anatoly has specialized in mobile app development and promotion since 2009: “I am a huge fan of metrics and the remote culture and I am passionate about SaaS and startup development.” At present, he combines his business pursuits with teaching at Netologia online school, where he delivers lecture courses “Mobile Marketing” and “Mobile Product”.
Watch it here.