AppQuantum uses bulk actions to manage reviews in AppFollow

AppQuantum — is an app publisher that strives to turn awesome teams into successful businesses. The team has a number of successful products placed in the App Store and Google Play that are managed well and grow every year.

AppQuantum’s team is using AppFollow to reply to mobile app reviews, for analytical purposes, and to track if any of their apps get “Featured” in the app stores.
The number of apps AppQuantum manages is considerable — a total of 27 in various app stores, while their Support team has only 5 members. Thus, a number of challenges arise from this situation — how to respond to users efficiently and be able to filter the user reviews by certain criteria (not just the rating and the app version - that functionality is available in the dev consoles as is). AppFollow was chosen for the tasks at hand, as it is a tool that helps to centralize support efforts, respond to reviews, and analyze the team’s efficiency — all in a single place.
The AppQuantum’s Support team began to respond to reviews with AppFollow’s help and made use of the platform’s analytics suite. Sometimes the team utilizes the Bulk Replies function, which helps to respond to a number of reviews simultaneously.

AppQuantum makes good use of the Tags chart feature in order to analyze the reviews and the team’s productivity. It helps to improve the team’s efficiency and improve upon the motivational bonus system.

In 9 months of using AppFollow, the AppQuantum team has responded to 60,000 reviews in Google Play and the App Store while having only 5 members in the Support team. On average, 95% of all reviews are tagged in one way or another by the team.
