Kakao Games Europe gets +1.52 in rating for reviews responded with AppFollow

Kakao Games Europe is a multi-platform game company that leads the way in the games industry by offering publishing services of many quality games. Guardian Tales is a 2020 action-adventure hack and slash puzzle RPG video game published by Kakao Games Europe widely enjoyed with players all over the globe.

Kakao Games Europe started looking for a solution to aid Guardian Tales game growth from day one.
The main challenge was to find a platform that would provide the ability to integrate reviews into an already established Zendesk instance. This would help the team incorporate replies seamlessly into existing ticketing workflows and eliminate potential time losses required for training in other cases.
Kakao Games Europe integrated AppFollow into the Zendesk instance. This enabled the team to easily target the reviews they deemed to be the top priority and expected to have the highest impact. The team is now also able to gain further insights into the performance with reviews, allowing them to discover further improvement opportunities.

As a result, the Kakao Games Europe team was able to support and help their players since the Guardian Tales release. Reply effect in the last 12 months is +1.52 and 61% of players they responded to have updated their reviews with a higher rating, which shows outstanding review management.

The average total rating increase for the Android app is from 4.17 to 4.6, and from 4.4 to 4.8 for the iOs app during the period of 12 months.
Additionally, since Kakao Games Europe used the Zendesk app integration built by the AppFollow team, it was very easy to start working with reviews immediately directly from Zendesk and to support players during the first days of release.